Natalia Brooks is a Swiss artist who lives and works in Lausanne.
Already In her childhood, she discovered the phenomenon of colors in nature, which marked the beginning of her artistic journey. Alongside her study of drawing, she also delved into the world of music by playing the piano. These two passions have remained with her to this day, inspiring and influencing her artistic creativity.
In her artwork, Natalia endeavours to convey the influence of colours on everyday life, recognising that encountering a particular hue can profoundly affect one's mood. The words of the Russian artist Kandinsky from his book 'Theory of Colour' resonate deeply with Natalia: 'Colour harbours an enormous force, capable of influencing the whole human body, both the organism and the mind.'
Ultimately, she seeks to evoke emotions through her paintings.
For the realisation of her artistic vision, Natalia has chosen abstract art, which, in addition to expressing her fascination with colours, also permits a myriad of interpretations of the meaning behind her works. Vibrant colors hold a special place in Natalia's heart, and she considers the interaction of colours on canvas as an exploration, where the endpoint of the journey is not always predictable but often surprising and rewarding.